Soviet-American Conflict Resolution in the Third World

Edited by Mark N. Katz
September 1991
218 Pages
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Soviet-American competition in the past has all too often exacerbated regional conflicts rather than helped resolve them. Since the extraordinary events of 1989, however, the Soviet Union no longer seems willing to support military intervention in the Third World. Instead, Washington and Moscow have worked together to try to resolve several conflicts, making more progress in the past two years than in the preceding four decades.

Yet many bloody conflicts continue, and other ancient enmities threaten to erupt into violence. The resolution of Third World conflicts is proving to be difficult even in an era of more cooperative Soviet-American relations.

This volume brings together essays by experts in government, journalism, and academia to examine the opportunities and obstacles the United States and the USSR face in attempting to resolve regional conflicts in Afghanistan, Cambodia, the Middle East, Southern Africa, the Horn of Africa, and Asia and the Pacific.

Although each situation is different, some lessons and negotiation techniques are transferable. The concluding chapter summarizes those lessons and suggests ways to enhance Soviet-American cooperation in the future.

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